最近、イーロン・マスク氏が再び大きな波紋を広げようとしているというニュースを目にした。今回のターゲットはアメリカの官僚機構(連邦政府職員)で、かなり大胆な計画を立てているようだ。「辞職すれば9月末まで給与は全額支給されるが、残留を決めれば将来解雇される可能性がある」これは彼のシリコンバレー流の 「Fork in the Road 」に非常に沿ったもので、どうやら彼はソーシャルメディアでこの動きをほのめかし、巨大なフォークの彫刻の写真を投稿していたようだ。
もう一つの問題は、日本では官僚機構が 「政治家より強い 」と言われていることだ。アメリカでは、大統領が政府機関の長を任命し(交代させ)、事実上、部署全体を入れ替えることができるが、日本では、人事の大部分は官僚機構の内部で管理される。政治家が何かを提案しても、官僚機構内部の専門家やネットワークは凝り固まっており、意味のある改革は極めて難しい。歴史を見ても、多くの政治家が「官僚改革」を公約に掲げたが、実際に抜本的な改革を成し遂げた例はない。
一方、日本は「安定性」を重視し、「強固な法的保護」を持っており、それはそれで強みである。しかし、それは同時に 「変化への抵抗 」や 「強力な既得権益 」を意味する。これをどう見るかは人それぞれだろうが、個人的には、イーロン・マスク氏のような急速な改革がどのようなものか、せめて見てみたいものだ。
Elon Musk’s Bold Bureaucratic Overhaul: Why It Works in the U.S. but Can’t Happen in Japan
Recently, I came across news that Elon Musk is once again about to make a big splash. This time, his target seems to be the American bureaucratic machine (federal employees), with a rather bold plan: “If you resign, you’ll receive full pay until the end of September, but if you decide to stay, there’s a chance of future layoffs.” It’s very much in line with his Silicon Valley style of “Fork in the Road,” and apparently he even hinted at this move on social media, posting a photo of a giant fork sculpture—classic Elon.
If this actually comes to pass, it’s said that government costs could be cut by as much as $100 billion (around 15 trillion yen). From a Japanese perspective, it’s hard not to think, “Wow, can they really be that bold?” But that’s the reality in the United States, where the president wields significant top-down power and the cultural mindset of “if you don’t deliver results, you lose your job” is widely accepted.
Is it impossible in Japan?
Well, it seems so. The biggest reason is that in Japan, public servants have extremely strong job security. In the U.S., the government can implement large-scale staff reductions depending on its policies, but in Japan, under the National Public Service Act, you can’t really fire a civil servant unless there’s a major misconduct. Even if politicians want to reduce the number of public servants, there’s a huge legal barrier preventing them from doing so.
Another issue is that, in Japan, the bureaucratic apparatus is said to be “stronger than the politicians.” In the U.S., the president can appoint (and replace) the heads of government agencies, effectively reshuffling entire departments, whereas in Japan, personnel changes are largely managed from within the bureaucracy itself. Even if a politician proposes something, the experts and networks inside the bureaucracy are so entrenched that meaningful reform is extremely difficult. History shows that many politicians have promised “bureaucratic reform,” but none have really achieved drastic changes.
On top of that, labor unions and legal battles pose significant risks in Japan. If the government were to introduce a policy like, “Resign and we’ll guarantee your pay, otherwise you face potential layoffs,” there would likely be an immediate uproar about it being unconstitutional or infringing on workers’ rights. It’d almost certainly lead to lawsuits, which would drag on and eventually end in the politicians conceding and everything fizzling out. In other words, it’s the polar opposite of the U.S., where firing employees—public or private—is comparatively easier.
Why can the U.S. do it?
In short, it’s because the president has strong authority over personnel decisions. I’ve really been noticing lately how powerful the U.S. president’s role can be in various fields. The country runs on a “top-down + performance-based” culture, so if mass layoffs are deemed necessary, they can go ahead and make it happen. Meanwhile, in Japan, civil servants have ironclad job security; even if people talk about performance-based systems, it doesn’t directly translate to someone getting fired.
In the U.S., there’s a deep-seated belief that “If you don’t produce results, you lose your job,” which is why such bold measures can be proposed and actually implemented.
Is it ultimately unsuited to Japan?
At least under the current system, “Musk-style bureaucratic layoffs” in Japan are pretty much impossible. Even if someone tried, it would immediately become a legal and political minefield. The reality is that this kind of drastic reform can only happen in a country where top-down decisions and performance-based cultures are already the norm—like the U.S.
Japan, on the other hand, values “stability” and has “robust legal protections,” which are strengths in their own right. However, it also means “resistance to change” and “powerful vested interests.” How you see that may depend on your point of view, but personally, I’d love to at least see what it’s like to implement the sort of rapid reforms that Elon Musk is known for.
So, what’s next for Japan?
Naturally, you can’t just say, “We should cut down the bureaucracy just like the U.S. does!” The cultures, legal frameworks, and everything else are just too different. That said, one frequently discussed topic these days is that many bureaucrats themselves are starting to adopt AI for efficiency: automating routine tasks and focusing their efforts on policymaking and service improvements. There’s a chance that such gradual steps could open the door to bigger reforms over time.
Ultimately, how far you can transform things depends on public opinion and political will. But in an era of fast-paced change, I feel like the willingness to “just try something quickly, and if it doesn’t work, pivot immediately”—an approach Elon often demonstrates—could be increasingly important, whether in the U.S., China, or Japan. Perhaps it’ll only be possible to push through such radical changes if the current system is completely upended, but even so, there’s a part of me that gets excited by Musk’s brand of disruptive reform.
I can’t help thinking the world is heading into an era of bigger and bigger shake-ups. Still, seeing Elon Musk’s latest moves reminds me that “acting first instead of overthinking” can spark new ideas or bring about unexpected opportunities. And maybe that’s exactly what we need in times like these.
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