最近、ある見出しを目にした: 「トランプ氏とイーロン・マスク氏が予算案を支持するも否決され、アメリカは政府閉鎖に近づく」 次期大統領であるトランプ氏とマスク氏が予算を支持したにもかかわらず、一部の共和党議員が反対票を投じ、民主党議員もほぼ全員が反対に加わった。
アメリカの「政府閉鎖(Government Shutdown)」とは、議会が政府予算案を承認できなかった場合に、一部の政府機関の運営が停止する現象を指す。
- 共和党の内部対立:トランプ氏とイーロン・マスク氏が支持する予算案にもかかわらず、共和党内の保守派が反発。
- 民主党の反対:現職バイデン政権を支える民主党も予算案に反対票を投じた。
- 公共サービスの停止
- 国立公園や博物館が閉鎖される。
- パスポートやビザの発行が遅延する。
- 連邦職員の給与停止
約80万人の職員が自宅待機となり、一時的に給与が支払われなくなる。(後日、遡って支払われる場合がほとんどだが、生活に影響を及ぼす。) - 経済への悪影響
- 2018年~2019年:トランプ政権下で最長の35日間に及ぶ政府閉鎖が発生。国境の壁建設予算を巡る対立が原因。
- 2013年:オバマ政権で16日間の政府閉鎖が発生。医療保険制度改革(オバマケア)を巡る議会対立が原因。
- 1995年~1996年:クリントン政権で21日間の政府閉鎖。社会保障費と教育予算を巡る対立が原因。
- 日本では予算が成立しない場合、暫定予算が組まれ、政府運営が継続される。
- 日本の政府と立法府は通常、予算成立を優先し、このような危機を回避するために協力体制を維持している。
Trump, Elon Musk, and America’s “Government Shutdown” Crisis
Recently, I came across a headline: “Trump and Elon Musk support a budget proposal that was rejected, bringing the U.S. closer to a government shutdown.” Despite Trump, the upcoming president, and Musk backing the budget, some Republican lawmakers voted against it, with nearly all Democratic lawmakers joining in opposition.
What exactly is a government shutdown? Initially, I had no idea. After some research, I learned it’s a phenomenon unique to the United States—something that would rarely, if ever, occur in Japan.
What is a Government Shutdown?
A “government shutdown” occurs in the U.S. when Congress fails to approve a federal budget.
The U.S. government requires annual approval from Congress to operate. If Congress is deadlocked and cannot reach an agreement, the government cannot secure funds and is forced to suspend certain functions.
Why Does a Government Shutdown Happen?
The roots lie in the U.S. system of separation of powers. Disagreements between the executive branch (the president) and the legislative branch (Congress) can block budget approval. In this case, the situation looks like this:
- Internal Republican Conflict: Despite support from Trump and Elon Musk, conservative factions within the Republican Party opposed the budget.
- Democratic Opposition: The Democratic Party, backing the current Biden administration, also voted against the proposal.
These types of conflicts, when unresolved, lead to a government shutdown.
What Happens During a Shutdown?
A government shutdown triggers several significant effects:
- Public Services Halted
- National parks and museums close.
- Passport and visa processing is delayed.
- Federal Employee Pay Suspended
- About 800,000 federal workers are furloughed and temporarily go unpaid. (They typically receive back pay once the shutdown ends, but it still disrupts their lives.)
- Economic Impact
- Prolonged shutdowns can severely harm the economy. For instance, the 2013 shutdown cost the U.S. economy an estimated $24 billion.
Historical Examples of Government Shutdowns
- 2018–2019: The longest shutdown in history, lasting 35 days under the Trump administration, due to disputes over funding for a border wall.
- 2013: A 16-day shutdown during the Obama administration caused by clashes over the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
- 1995–1996: A 21-day shutdown during the Clinton administration over disagreements on social security and education budgets.
Why Doesn’t This Happen in Japan?
In Japan, a “government shutdown” like in the U.S. is virtually impossible due to the following reasons:
- If a budget cannot be passed in Japan, a provisional budget is implemented to ensure government operations continue.
- The Japanese government and legislature typically prioritize budget approval, maintaining cooperation to avoid such crises.
Final Thoughts
Shockingly, the U.S. has experienced 21 government shutdowns so far. The sheer frequency is astonishing. While federal employees eventually receive their back pay, contract and temporary workers often do not, leaving them in precarious situations.
It’s a strikingly “American” phenomenon, if I may say so. Truly a culture shock.
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