星野誠 makoto hoshino













“Realizing I’m the Same as I Was 5 Years Ago”

While researching SXSW and looking at ticket prices, I caught myself thinking, “Do I really need to attend conferences or go to events in person anymore? Can’t I just handle everything with my device from the comfort of home?” It seemed like a reasonable thought in this age of AI.

What You Can’t Learn Without Being There

AI has made it incredibly easy to access any information efficiently. It feels like you don’t need to spend time or money traveling when you can simply get everything on your screen. But later, I realized there’s something irreplaceable about the atmosphere and serendipitous encounters you experience by actually being there.

The raw, “in-person” experience offers more than just information. It gives you insights and feelings that no device can replicate. I started to realize that I had been underestimating the value of seeing, hearing, and feeling things firsthand.

Reflecting on the Times I Didn’t Move

Looking back, I found myself in the same place, doing the same things I was five years ago. I had been leaning too much on technology, avoiding challenges, and missing opportunities to grow. I’d convinced myself that it was enough, but that complacency was probably the scariest thing of all.

Why Moving Matters Even More in the Age of AI

As AI continues to evolve, I’m starting to see that the value of moving and experiencing things physically is actually increasing. The feelings and experiences you gain from being present at a location can’t be replaced. In a time when everything seems so convenient, those physical experiences become a wellspring of creativity.

Reflecting on how convenience made me stagnant, I realize how important it is to move forward again. If you’ve found yourself stuck in place, I hope this resonates. Now is the perfect time to take that first step.


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– next journey Olympus on Mars through Space Travel –

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RSS *“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*