ビートルズの「Now and Then」 AI技術でよみがえった最後の楽曲
2023年11月3日にリリースされたビートルズの最後の楽曲「Now and Then」。この曲がグラミー賞で「レコード・オブ・ザ・イヤー」と「ベスト・ロック・パフォーマンス」にノミネートされたニュースを見て、驚いた。この楽曲は単なる復刻ではなく、AI技術によって生まれ変わった新しいビートルズだったからだ。
「Now and Then」との出会い
「Now and Then」という曲は、リリースされるまで知らなかった。ジョン・レノンが70年代後半に作った楽曲で、1994年にヨーコ・オノが未発表音源としてメンバーに共有したものの、技術的な問題で長い間完成に至らなかったらしい。それがAI技術の力で完成したと知り、どんな仕上がりなのか聴いてみた。
特に印象に残ったのは、ジョン・レノンの歌声が今録音されたかのようにクリアに響いていたことだ。これは、ドキュメンタリーシリーズ『ザ・ビートルズ:Get Back』の制作で使用されたWingNut FilmsのMALオーディオ技術のおかげだ。この技術で、モノラル音声からジョンの声とピアノが分離され、クリアな音質で蘇ったらしい。
「Now and Then」を聴いていると、ビートルズの歴史そのものが詰まっているようだった。最初のシングル「Love Me Do」と並んでアナログ盤やカセットでもリリースされたのも、ビートルズらしい遊び心だと思った。
「Now and Then」は、単なる楽曲ではなく、過去と未来をつなぐ架け橋だと感じた。初めてビートルズを聴いた日の記憶や、彼らが作り上げてきた音楽の軌跡を思い出させる特別な一曲だった。
The Beatles’ “Now and Then”
A Final Song Revived Through AI Technology
On November 3, 2023, The Beatles released their final song, “Now and Then.” The news that this song was nominated for the Grammy Awards in the categories of “Record of the Year” and “Best Rock Performance” was nothing short of astonishing. This wasn’t just a revival but a reimagining of The Beatles with the help of cutting-edge AI technology.
Discovering “Now and Then”
I hadn’t heard of “Now and Then” before its release. It turns out this song was written by John Lennon in the late 1970s. In 1994, Yoko Ono shared this unreleased track with the other members of The Beatles. Despite this, technical challenges prevented the song from being completed for decades. Learning that AI technology had finally made its completion possible, I couldn’t wait to hear what it sounded like.
The “Miracle” Brought to Life by AI
What stood out most was how John Lennon’s voice sounded as if it had been freshly recorded. This was made possible through the MAL audio technology developed by WingNut Films, used during the production of the documentary series The Beatles: Get Back. This technology separated John’s vocals and piano from the original mono recordings, restoring them to a pristine quality.
Paul McCartney said, “It was as if John was right there with us,” and I understood exactly what he meant. Listening to the track, I could feel John’s presence in a way that felt incredibly real. On top of this, George Harrison’s guitar parts from 1995 were incorporated, Ringo Starr added new drum tracks, and Paul contributed bass, guitar, piano, and a slide guitar solo as a tribute to George. Their vocals tied it all together, completing what felt like a brand-new Beatles track.
Experiencing “Now and Then” Through History and Innovation
“Now and Then” feels like a song encapsulating the history of The Beatles. Pairing this final track with their very first single, “Love Me Do,” and releasing it on analog records and cassettes was a playful and symbolic move that felt uniquely Beatles.
The use of AI technology also demonstrated how it can transcend being a mere tool, serving instead as a bridge to preserve and reimagine art for the future. The revival of something thought to be lost forever is both deeply moving and a testament to the boundless potential of innovation.
In Conclusion
“Now and Then” isn’t just a song; it’s a bridge connecting the past and the future. It brought back memories of when I first listened to The Beatles and reminded me of the incredible legacy they’ve built through their music.
If you haven’t listened to it yet, I highly recommend you do. This track is not just a testament to the enduring power of music but also a glimpse into the possibilities that AI technology offers for the future.
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