星野誠 makoto hoshino




  • 「頭を下げられるうちが華」
  • 「実りの多い稲穂ほど頭を垂れる稲穂かな」
  • 「責任転嫁すればますます成功は遠のく」
  • 松下幸之助の言葉:「謙虚さは魔除け」
  • 「悪魔はニコニコ顔でやってくる」
  • 「グラウンドでゴミを拾うのは、人の落とした運を拾うため」(大谷翔平)





“The Gift of Humility”

The other day, I received a book from someone I deeply respect. As I read the words and stories within, I was reminded of the importance of humility. Reflecting on the lessons from this book, alongside phrases I’ve noted down over the years, I decided to gather them here as a reminder to myself.

  • “Being able to bow is a gift.”
    As we age, pride often gets in the way, making it harder to seek advice or apologize. But once we lose the ability to do so, it’s the end of growth. That’s the real meaning behind this saying.
  • “The more fruitful the rice plant, the more it bows.”
    A proverb that teaches us that those who achieve growth and success should remain humble.
  • “Shifting blame distances you further from success.”
    Refusing to take responsibility and blaming others or circumstances only hinders personal growth.
  • Konosuke Matsushita’s words: “Humility is a charm against evil.”
    Arrogance clouds judgment and brings failure closer. Humility, on the other hand, protects us from going down the wrong path.
  • “The devil comes with a smile.”
    Without a strong philosophy, one can easily fall into temptation and make poor choices. Deep reflection and a strong inner compass are essential.
  • “Picking up trash on the field is about picking up the luck others have dropped.” —Shohei Ohtani
    Even the smallest actions hold meaning. Luck and opportunity come through consistent, humble efforts.
  • “Accumulating virtue.”
    To accumulate virtue means to live each day with gratitude and consideration for others. Over time, this builds trust and support, enriching both life and work.

Easier said than done, of course! Still, I want to regularly revisit these words, keep them in my heart, and strive to live by them every day.


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