星野誠 makoto hoshino



フォッブスの記事「Meet The World’s Oldest Crocodile—Alive Since 1900 And A Father To Over 10,000 Offspring」がおもしろかった。




さらに、ナイルワニは並外れた免疫システムを備えている。 血液には強い抗菌作用があり、細菌が豊富な水中環境でも感染症に抵抗することができるという。 他のワニとの激しい争いで負傷しても、そのような傷は感染することはほとんどなく、すぐに治る。 この免疫システムが長寿に重要な役割を果たしているようだ。




Learning from the Incredible Nile Crocodile “Henry”: The Potential for Superhumans

I found the Forbes article “Meet The World’s Oldest Crocodile—Alive Since 1900 And A Father To Over 10,000 Offspring” fascinating. It discusses Henry, a Nile crocodile born in 1900, who is still alive today and continues to reproduce, defying age-related decline.

The ancestors of Nile crocodiles survived the age of the dinosaurs, making them one of the few species to escape extinction. Their remarkable adaptability, energy-efficient metabolism, and highly developed sensory systems for detecting prey have allowed them to thrive to this day.

Nile crocodiles, massive reptiles living in Africa’s freshwater environments, are well-known for their longevity and incredible biology. Among them, Henry stands out. Born in 1900, he will turn 124 in December 2024. Amazingly, Henry still retains his reproductive abilities and has fathered over 10,000 offspring. This is a remarkable example of how crocodiles’ fertility does not diminish with age.

The fact that crocodiles can maintain reproductive abilities throughout their lives is particularly interesting when combined with their long lifespan. In most species, fertility declines with age, but creatures like crocodiles surpass this limit, remaining fertile for nearly their entire lives. If this trait could be applied to humans, it raises the possibility of creating “superhumans” who could retain fertility regardless of age.

Moreover, Nile crocodiles possess an extraordinary immune system. Their blood has strong antibacterial properties, enabling them to resist infections even in bacteria-rich water environments. Even when injured during fierce battles with other crocodiles, these wounds rarely become infected and heal quickly. This immune system appears to play a vital role in their longevity.

If humans could acquire such an immune system, it could drastically enhance our resistance to viruses and infections, potentially leading to extraordinary health and longevity.


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