星野誠 makoto hoshino






  1. 再生力

メリット: 組織の再生が早く進むため、特に治りにくい傷にも効果を発揮する。
デメリット: 一部の症例では効果が限定的だったり、保険適用外、高コストな治療になることもある。

  1. 抗炎症作用

メリット: 感染リスクが減り、傷の治癒が早くなる。
デメリット: 抗炎症作用が強すぎる場合、免疫反応を抑制しすぎる懸念もある。

  1. 保湿と保護

メリット: 湿潤環境を保つことで、治癒を早める。
デメリット: 使用する際には感染防止対策が重要で、適切な管理が必要。


しかし、プラセンタ療法はそれ以上の効果がある。湿潤環境を維持するだけでなく、プラセンタから抽出された成長因子やコラーゲンが再生を積極的に促進。 絆創膏が受動的に保護し治癒するのに対し、プラセンタ療法は細胞レベルで働き、組織を能動的に修復。 さらにプラセンタ療法は、特に重度の火傷や慢性創傷に効果的であると言われている。 糖尿病性潰瘍や広範囲の火傷など、従来の創傷ケアでは十分な効果が得られない場合でも、プラセンタの再生力は治癒結果を大幅に改善。






“Revolutionizing Wound Healing: Discover the Incredible Power of the Placenta!”

Have you heard of placenta therapy? In other words, it’s the use of the placenta. The placenta, which connects the baby and the mother during pregnancy, is said to have incredible healing abilities! Recently, it has been used in the treatment of burns and hard-to-heal wounds, and its effectiveness is gaining attention.

Personally, I rely heavily on wound care patches whenever I get a cut or injury, and they’ve been a lifesaver. But placenta therapy could be considered a superior alternative. In this article, let’s explore how the placenta heals wounds, its effectiveness, and how it differs from typical wound care products like hydrocolloid dressings.

Placenta is rich in growth factors and collagen, which are essential for promoting tissue and cell regeneration. Additionally, it has anti-inflammatory properties that work together to accelerate wound healing. Here are the key benefits:

Regenerative Power
The placenta is full of growth factors that promote the healing of damaged tissue and skin. This makes it highly effective in treating severe burns and chronic wounds, such as diabetic ulcers.
Benefits: Faster tissue regeneration, particularly for difficult-to-heal wounds.
Drawbacks: Some cases show limited effectiveness, and treatment can be costly.

Anti-inflammatory Effects
When a wound becomes inflamed, the healing process slows down. The placenta contains strong anti-inflammatory properties that promote healing while preventing infections.
Benefits: Reduced risk of infection and faster healing.
Drawbacks: Excessive anti-inflammatory effects could potentially suppress immune responses too much.

Moisturizing and Protection
The placenta membrane, particularly the amniotic membrane, has excellent moisturizing properties, which prevent the wound from drying out and help in regeneration. Keeping the wound moist is crucial for healing, and the placenta also acts as a barrier to protect against external irritants and infections.
Benefits: Maintains a moist environment to speed up healing.
Drawbacks: Proper infection control measures are essential, and careful management is required.

Many people around me use wound care patches. Unlike regular band-aids, these patches are incredibly convenient. They work by keeping the wound moist and utilizing the body’s natural exudate to promote skin regeneration, resulting in faster and cleaner healing.

However, placenta therapy goes beyond this. Not only does it maintain a moist environment, but the growth factors and collagen extracted from the placenta actively promote regeneration. While wound patches protect and heal passively, placenta therapy works at the cellular level, actively repairing tissue. Placenta therapy is said to be particularly effective for severe burns and chronic wounds. Even in cases where conventional wound care falls short, such as diabetic ulcers and large burns, the regenerative power of the placenta has significantly improved healing outcomes.

In the U.S., it is estimated that around 3.5 million placentas are discarded each year, meaning this incredible healing power is not being fully utilized. However, with increasing use in medical fields, we can expect this therapy to become more widespread in the future.

While the active promotion of tissue regeneration presents a powerful benefit for severe or hard-to-heal wounds, placenta therapy remains a specialized treatment. Accessibility and treatment costs remain challenges. However, the healing power of the placenta surpasses conventional wound care patches. In addition to maintaining a moist environment, it directly promotes healing and regeneration with its growth factors and collagen, making it highly promising for severe burns and stubborn wounds.

As the use of this remarkable “placenta therapy” spreads, it might just revolutionize the way we think about wound treatment.


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