星野誠 makoto hoshino












“Main Stones,” “Scenic Stones,” and “Stone Arrangement”

Recently, I’ve been hooked on the popular Disney Plus show Shogun. I can’t sleep without watching it every night. There’s a scene in Shogun where the importance of stones in Japanese gardens is discussed, and that suddenly sparked my interest in “stones.” Up until then, stones were just stones to me, but in the show, each one was treated as a vital part of the garden. This got me curious about the role stones play in Japanese gardens, so I did some research and discovered some fascinating facts. There are famous stones, known as meiseki, which have been shaped over thousands of years in nature.

What I learned is that stones in Japanese gardens are not just randomly placed. For example, the Shuseki, or main stone, is the central presence of the garden, playing a crucial role in maintaining balance. This stone is placed in a prominent position and provides stability to the entire garden with its strong presence. If I were to compare this to myself, it would be like my core goals and dreams. No matter how busy or chaotic things get, if there’s a solid “core” at the center, everything seems to fall into place. My goal of reaching space in this lifetime might be my Shuseki.

Another fascinating element is the Keiseki, or scenic stone, which shapes the landscape of the garden. These stones have different roles depending on where they are placed. Around a pond, they highlight the water’s surface, and near a bridge, they emphasize its structural beauty. Thanks to these stones, people walking through the garden are naturally drawn to its beauty. In real life, the various opportunities and relationships we encounter may be like these Keiseki stones—how and where they are placed can change their significance.

What’s even more interesting is Ishigumi, the technique of arranging multiple stones in a way that adds depth and variation to the garden. By considering the shape, color, and texture of the stones, they are placed to create a natural landscape, much like life itself. As we go through life, making choices and gaining experiences, we end up creating our own unique “natural landscape.”

It’s also profound to think that stone placement in a Japanese garden isn’t just for decoration but is used to express concepts like Mujokan (the impermanence of things) and Seijaku (tranquility). The way stones weather and erode symbolizes the passage of time and the flow of nature, and their quiet presence brings a sense of calm to the entire garden. It makes me wonder if by meditating on these things, we can connect with the universe, even without physically traveling there.

In the end, meiseki and ishigumi are not just important in Japanese gardens but also play a significant role in our lives. Perhaps that’s why ancient warlords and shoguns were so fascinated by gardens. Someday, I’d like to be like one of those stones in a garden, balancing everything around me. I also want to visit some of the beautiful gardens that still exist today, like Katsura Imperial Villa and Ryoanji. As I walk through these Japanese gardens, I’ll reflect on where to place my own “stone” in the garden of life.


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