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マルチタスクの逆を行く「10-Minute Challenge」


The New York Timesの「10-Minute Challenge」という企画が面白い。

The New York Times「10-Minute Challenge」



現代はマルチタスクで動くことが当たり前だけれど、「10-Minute Challenge」はその逆を行く。アートに10分間集中することで、心を今この瞬間に留め、瞑想的な効果や心の安定感を得ることができる。これは日常生活におけるストレスの軽減にもつながるかもしれない。



こうした「10-Minute Challenge」は、単にアートを鑑賞するだけでなく、私たちの日常生活の中での集中力や観察力、そして感性を養うための訓練にもなる。スマートフォンやコンピュータの前で短時間で情報を消費することが多い現代では、このようにじっくりと一つのものに向き合う経験は、非常に貴重。


「10-Minute Challenge」は、単なるアート鑑賞のための手法ではなく、私たちの集中力を鍛え、感性を高め、そして日常の中での「10分」を大切に使う新しい視点を提供してくれる。マルチタスクで動くことが当たり前な現代にその逆を行く「10-Minute Challenge」皆さんもぜひ、何かに集中して10分を捧げる体験を!



The 10-Minute Challenge: A Counter to the Age of Multitasking

The New York Times’ “10-Minute Challenge” is a fascinating concept. The goal of this challenge is to encourage deep observation—something we don’t often experience in our daily lives. It invites you to focus on a single piece of art for 10 minutes, allowing you to deeply engage with its beauty and meaning. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with distractions, this challenge is designed to help us rediscover concentration and observation through art.

In today’s fast-paced life, it’s common to scroll through social media feeds or news updates, consuming massive amounts of information in short bursts. Some people even say sitting in a movie theater for two hours feels too long. We often lose the opportunity to engage deeply with something, and many find it difficult to focus for extended periods. This is where the “10-Minute Challenge” comes in—it encourages you to take a break from multitasking and focus intensely on one thing at a time. By concentrating on a single piece of art for 10 minutes, you can momentarily tune out the distractions of everyday life and immerse yourself in the experience. This, in turn, is expected to improve both your focus and observation skills.

The rules of the challenge are simple: choose an artwork that interests you and spend 10 minutes fully focused on it. That’s all there is to it. The 10-minute duration is an ideal amount of time—long enough to engage deeply, but not so long that it becomes overwhelming. During these 10 minutes, you can forget the noise and busyness of life and truly immerse yourself in the artwork.

After the 10 minutes are up, it can be helpful to jot down your thoughts and observations. What caught your eye? Why did certain details stand out? How did the artwork make you feel? Reflecting on these questions can deepen your understanding and connection to the piece.

But why 10 minutes? This duration is chosen because it’s a manageable amount of time in our busy schedules, yet long enough to encourage real focus. If the time were too short, you might not fully engage; too long, and you could lose interest or get distracted. Ten minutes strikes the perfect balance.

The “10-Minute Challenge” isn’t just about art—it’s a tool to help improve focus, observation skills, and emotional awareness in everyday life. In a world where we’re used to consuming information in short bursts, taking time to focus deeply on one thing is more important than ever.

The best part is how easy it is to start. Often, the hardest part of trying something new is taking that first big step. But when the commitment is just 10 minutes, the pressure is much lower. Anyone can set aside 10 minutes, and once you start, you might find it enjoyable and want to do more.

Ultimately, the “10-Minute Challenge” is more than just an art appreciation exercise—it’s a way to train your mind, refine your senses, and learn to value the moments when you focus on just one thing. In an age of multitasking, this challenge offers a refreshing opportunity to step back, focus, and truly engage. I encourage you to try dedicating 10 minutes to something that matters to you and experience what it feels like to immerse yourself fully.


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