星野誠 makoto hoshino





さまざまな情報を集め、実際に自分で体験してみると、最終的に自分が本当にやりたいことが見えてくる。 自分は一人旅が大好きだけれど、旅に関しては、効率は重要ではない。 きっと人生の挑戦についても同じことが言える。 試してみたことが自分に合っていなかったということもよくある。 そんなときは、「これは自分には向いていなかった」と笑い飛ばして、次に進む。真の目的を発見するための鍵は、失敗を恐れずに、果敢に挑戦すること。




If You Don’t Know “How,” You Won’t Feel the Desire to Try

“Being able to or unable to do something isn’t about ability—it’s just that you don’t know how. So, the first step is to find someone who’s already done it. Then, figure out how they managed to achieve it. Once you’ve learned from them, just follow their method exactly. I climbed Everest with no prior mountaineering experience, not because I had the ability, but simply because I put into practice what those who had already succeeded shared with me. That’s all. So, when it comes down to it, having the drive to act is really about having the ‘power to search for those who have already succeeded.’ It’s a skill of knowing how to search.”

If you don’t know how to do something, you won’t even feel the desire to try. That’s why it’s important to absorb the experiences of others. Personally, I’ve learned a lot from many people along the way. And based on what I’ve learned, I never blindly accept common beliefs—I’ve always pursued what I want to do. These days, the world is overflowing with ‘second-rate information,’ and it’s important not to be misled by it. You need to identify what truly benefits you.

By gathering various types of information and actually experiencing things yourself, you’ll eventually discover what you really want to do. I love traveling alone, but when it comes to travel, efficiency doesn’t matter. The same applies to life’s challenges. You’ll often find that what you’ve tried doesn’t suit you. When that happens, just laugh it off and say, ‘This wasn’t for me,’ and move on. The key to discovering your true purpose is to fearlessly take on challenges without worrying about failure.

By repeating this process, in the end, I want to become a man like Yoshiharu Sekino of Great Journey, who ‘ventures with the same eyes as reading a book.'”


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