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Lunar Pilot 43.5mm Meteorite Dial:アポロ15号のデビッド・スコット船長と45億年前の隕石を感じる時計



ギベオン隕石は時計やジュエリーの世界でも珍重されており、ロレックスやオメガなどの一流ブランドもその素材として採用している。ただ、かつては手頃な価格だったギベオン隕石文字盤、通常メテオライト、ロレックスでは価格が急騰。 オメガのギベオン隕石のメテオライトはまだ割安感はあるけれど、なかなか手軽には買えない価格。そこでずっと何かよいものは探していて、辿り着き購入したのが、Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition(ブローバ ルナパイロット メテオライト エディション)。

この時計は1971年のアポロ15号の月面ミッションを記念して作られた限定版で、文字盤にはムオニオナルスタ隕石を使用。 ムオニオナルスタ隕石もギベオン隕石と同様、宇宙で形成されたもので、美しい自然の模様が特徴。




1969年には、スコット氏はアポロ9号で宇宙探査を継続し、司令船パイロットとして月面着陸に必要な重要なシステムのテストを行う。そんなスコットが歴史に名を残したのはアポロ15号の任務で、1971年7月の月面着陸。ミッションの指揮官として、スコット氏は月面車を初めて使用し、科学調査に重点を置いた先駆的な探査を主導。スコット氏とジェームズ・アーウィン飛行士は、合計18時間を月面で過ごし、地質学実験を行い、サンプルを収集。そして人類初の月面車(Lunar Rover)の使用もこの時!



Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Editionは、このストーリーに敬意を表して、ムオニオナルスタ隕石から作られた文字盤を使用している。スウェーデンとフィンランドの国境付近で発見されたこのムオニオナルスタ隕石は、約45億年前に形成され、約100万年前に地球に衝突したものと推定されている。 ギベオン隕石と同様に、ムオニオナルスタ隕石には独特なヴィドマンシュテッテン模様があり、同じ模様は2つとない。そのため、この時計もすべてが唯一無二の存在。

長くなったけれど、そんなBulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition(ブローバ ルナパイロット メテオライト エディション)をつけていると、宇宙の一部を手にしている気になる。デビッド・スコット船長の話を想像しながら、45億年前のムオニオナルスタ隕石の一部を手首に身につけていると、近いうちに人類が再び到達するであろう月面と、さらに遠く広大な宇宙に自然と意識が向く。

自分は、月や火星に絶対にと思っているので、Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition(ブローバ ルナパイロット メテオライト エディション)に個人的にとっても満足しているけれど、じつは、ギベオン隕石もムオニオナルスタ隕石も、ペンダントや指輪なら、今のところ、数万円、場合によっては1万円以下でも手に入る。なので、宇宙にそこまで思い入れがない方は、まずは身近なアクセサリーから45億年前のパワーをぜひ!!



Wearing the 4.5 Billion-Year-Old Gibeon Meteorite

Lately, I’ve been captivated by meteorites, especially the Gibeon meteorite. This incredible stone, formed 4.5 billion years ago in space, boasts a stunning “Widmanstätten pattern,” created when iron and nickel slowly cooled over millions of years. Gibeon meteorites are highly prized in the world of watches and jewelry, with top brands like Rolex and Omega using them in their creations. Once, Rolex’s meteorite models were more affordable, but prices have skyrocketed. While Omega’s Gibeon meteorite watches are still relatively less expensive, they’re not exactly easy to buy. That’s when I turned to the Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition.

This watch is a limited edition, created to commemorate the 1971 Apollo 15 moon mission, and features a dial made from Muonionalusta meteorite. Like the Gibeon meteorite, Muonionalusta formed in space and displays beautiful, natural patterns. But there’s an even deeper story behind this watch.

Apollo 15 was led by Commander David Randolph Scott, one of NASA’s most accomplished astronauts. Scott, born in Texas in 1932, had an illustrious career even before becoming an astronaut. After graduating from West Point in 1954, he joined the U.S. Air Force, where he excelled as a test pilot. Later, he went on to earn a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering from MIT, further honing his technical expertise.

In 1963, Scott was selected as an astronaut by NASA. His first space mission was Gemini 8 in 1966, where, alongside Neil Armstrong, he achieved the first successful docking of two spacecraft in orbit. Although this mission encountered a dangerous emergency, Scott’s cool-headed leadership contributed to the safe return of the crew.

Scott continued his space exploration with Apollo 9 in 1969, where he served as Command Module Pilot, testing crucial systems needed for the lunar landings. But it was during Apollo 15 that Scott made history, landing on the Moon in July 1971. As commander of the mission, Scott led a pioneering exploration that placed a strong focus on scientific research, utilizing the lunar rover for the first time. Scott and fellow astronaut James Irwin spent a total of 18 hours on the lunar surface, conducting geological experiments and collecting samples.

One of Scott’s most famous contributions to science during the Apollo 15 mission was his demonstration of Galileo’s theory of free fall. On the Moon, Scott dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time, showing that in the absence of air resistance, both objects hit the ground simultaneously—just as Galileo had predicted. This moment, broadcasted back to Earth, became an iconic example of how the Moon could serve as a laboratory for fundamental physics.

But it wasn’t just science that made this mission memorable. During the Apollo 15 mission, NASA’s official Omega Speedmaster broke on the lunar surface. Scott, prepared for such an event, used his personal Bulova chronograph to complete the mission, making it the first privately-owned watch worn on the Moon. In 2015, this very Bulova was auctioned for an astonishing $1.625 million, cementing its place in history.

The Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition pays homage to this story, using a dial made from Muonionalusta meteorite. Discovered near the Sweden-Finland border, this meteorite is estimated to have formed around 4.5 billion years ago, with a possible impact on Earth about 1 million years ago. Like the Gibeon meteorite, Muonionalusta features a distinctive Widmanstätten pattern, and no two slices are alike, making each watch completely unique.

Owning the Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition means carrying a piece of space on your wrist. Imagining Commander Scott’s experience while wearing part of the 4.5-billion-year-old Muonionalusta meteorite connects you not just to the moon, but to the vast expanses of space beyond.

Interestingly, while meteorite watches like these can be quite an investment, you can still find meteorite jewelry—pendants and rings made from Gibeon or Muonionalusta—starting at just a few hundred dollars, and sometimes even under $100.

Since I’m dead set on making it to the moon or Mars someday, the Bulova Lunar Pilot Meteorite Edition was perfect for me. But if you’re just starting to explore, why not begin with an accessory made from these incredible 4.5-billion-year-old meteorites?


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