星野誠 makoto hoshino











Blood Sugar Spikes: Is That Irritability and Fatigue Really Just Due to Age?

As we get older, it’s common to feel more irritable or suddenly exhausted. We tend to chalk it up to “getting older,” but that might not be the whole story.

Blood sugar spikes refers to the phenomenon where blood sugar levels rapidly rise after a meal and then sharply drop, leading to irritability, fatigue, and decreased concentration.

Medically, it’s been proven that sudden spikes and drops in blood sugar levels can significantly impact mental health. When blood sugar levels rise, the stress hormone cortisol increases, leading to stronger feelings of irritability, anxiety, and decreased concentration. Additionally, if insulin isn’t functioning properly, the body can’t use energy efficiently, making you more prone to fatigue and drowsiness, which can result in mood swings and, in severe cases, even depression. Prolonged high blood sugar levels can cause chronic inflammation and nerve damage, raising the risk of developing depression.

On the other hand, when blood sugar levels drop rapidly, the brain experiences an energy shortage, leading to heightened feelings of anxiety and fear. This is because low blood sugar triggers the release of adrenaline, making you more impulsive and less able to control your emotions. As a result, you may find yourself becoming more irritable, acting out aggressively, and experiencing a significant drop in concentration and attention, which can negatively impact learning and memory.

If you’re experiencing a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, or even feeling like “nothing really matters,” and occasionally find yourself thinking, “Maybe it’s just not worth it,” the issue might not be your willpower or mindset—it could be a physical problem. Fluctuations in blood sugar, imbalanced nutrition, and autonomic nervous system dysfunction are likely at the root of the problem.

Ultimately, everything happens in the brain. That’s why it’s essential to take control of your blood sugar levels and start by reviewing your diet and working to reduce inflammation in your body. This could be the first step toward reclaiming your mental and physical well-being.


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