星野誠 makoto hoshino















“The Day Education Loses Its Freedom: Is 1984 Approaching?”

I recently read an article in The New York Times about how educators and librarians are increasingly becoming targets of hate groups, threatening their freedom to teach and share knowledge.

In recent years, teaching topics like LGBTQ+ rights, racial issues, and gender equality in educational settings has been considered essential for understanding diversity and respecting others. However, some conservative groups and hate groups see this as a threat to their traditional values and fiercely oppose these efforts. To them, education that addresses LGBTQ+ rights and racial diversity is an infringement on what they believe to be “proper morality” and something that should be eliminated.

In connection with this, there is also an active movement to ban certain books in schools and libraries. Books that focus on LGBTQ+ themes or shed light on the darker aspects of America’s history of racial discrimination are being targeted. Labeling such books as “inappropriate” and attempting to ban them is a direct threat to freedom of speech. Educators and librarians are now under strict scrutiny regarding which books they teach and recommend, and they may face criticism or attacks based on their choices.

Simply teaching about LGBTQ+ rights or racial issues is enough for educators and librarians to be subjected to harassment and threats from hate groups via social media. This situation is reminiscent of the early stages of a reign of terror. The anonymity of the internet makes it easy for harassment to escalate, causing many educators to self-censor out of fear.

What’s even more concerning is that this isn’t just social pressure—it’s becoming law in some states, such as Florida and Texas. In these states, strict regulations are being imposed on educational content, and educators risk losing their jobs if they violate these laws. For example, certain topics are being banned, or the use of certain books is prohibited. As a result, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for educators and librarians to provide the comprehensive education that children deserve.

Reading about these attacks on educators and librarians in America today feels like witnessing the beginning of a dystopia.

If these trends continue, what kind of society will we end up with? A dystopia where diverse values and opinions no longer exist, where only a single set of values is imposed, and where other perspectives and knowledge are suppressed. A society where freedom of speech is lost, and education is controlled by those in power or by extreme groups. This would be a future where diversity is eliminated, and children are deprived of the opportunity to think freely and engage in discussions.

This scenario closely resembles the world depicted in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, where “Big Brother” constantly watches citizens, controlling and manipulating information. In this novel, freedom of speech is lost, and the state has complete control over people’s thoughts. If this trend continues, the dark future depicted in this dystopian novel could very well become a reality.

What’s even more troubling is that such a dystopian world doesn’t appear overnight—it creeps in gradually, seeping into society unnoticed. And what’s happening in America today could be the first step toward that reality.

But after all this, we’re left with a difficult question: how do we define happiness? If a world where everything is controlled and creativity is stifled but safe is considered happiness by some, then a dystopia might be a heaven for them. On the other hand, one person’s heaven could be another’s hell.


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