星野誠 makoto hoshino



メルカリ。ヤフーショッピングや楽天と並んで、私が最近最もよく使うアプリの1つ。 とても簡単にモノが売れたり買えたりするので、とても気に入っている。 しかし最近、とても腹立たしいことが多発している。それは、取引キャンセルのためのコンビニ決済の悪用だ。







  1. 支払い期限の厳格化: 支払いが行われなかった場合、購入者に自動的に警告やペナルティを課す仕組みを導入する。
  2. 未払い評価の導入: 支払いを行わなかった購入者にも、出品者が評価を行えるようにすることで、悪質な行為を防ぐ。
  3. コンビニ払いの制限: 悪用が続く場合、一定回数以上の未払いが発生したユーザーに対してコンビニ払いの利用を制限する。




Mercari’s Convenience Store Payment Misuse Problem: Seller Frustrations and Proposed Solutions

Mercari is one of the apps I use the most these days, alongside Yahoo Shopping and Rakuten. It’s incredibly easy to buy and sell items, which is why I really like it. However, recently, something very frustrating has been happening frequently: the misuse of convenience store payments to cancel transactions.

Many items listed on Mercari are “one-of-a-kind.” So, when you find something you like, you want to purchase it immediately. But some users, tempted by the thought that a cheaper option might appear later, exploit this by using the convenience store payment method.

When purchasing an item on Mercari, buyers can choose from several payment methods. One of these is the convenience store payment, where the buyer completes the transaction by paying in cash at a convenience store. It’s now a common and convenient payment method, but under Mercari’s current system, it can become a nightmare for sellers.

Some malicious users select the convenience store payment option to “reserve” an item but then fail to complete the payment, effectively canceling the transaction. I’ve personally encountered this tactic multiple times, especially when listing popular items like iPhones. In the case of convenience store payments, Mercari’s system doesn’t consider the transaction complete until the payment is confirmed, meaning the seller can’t leave a rating. This allows the buyer to avoid a “negative” rating even if they don’t pay, leaving only positive ratings visible on their profile.

Mercari’s rating system is designed to maintain trust between sellers and buyers by allowing them to rate each other after a transaction. However, if payment isn’t made, the transaction isn’t officially completed, so no ratings are left. This is incredibly frustrating. Sellers waste time and effort and miss the best opportunities to sell their items. While Mercari claims to warn bad users, I rarely hear of cases where accounts are actually deleted. In reality, there’s almost no penalty.

If this kind of abuse continues, it will not only frustrate sellers but also negatively affect other users who expect honest transactions. It could even lead to doubts about Mercari’s overall reliability.

I believe many people share this frustration and would like Mercari’s management to consider the following improvements urgently:

  • Stricter Payment Deadlines: Implement a system where buyers who fail to pay automatically receive warnings or penalties.
  • Introduction of Non-Payment Ratings: Allow sellers to leave ratings for buyers who don’t complete payment, to prevent bad behavior.
  • Limitations on Convenience Store Payments: If a user repeatedly fails to pay, restrict their ability to use the convenience store payment option.

Mercari may be prioritizing ease of use and convenience for new users, which is why this issue hasn’t been addressed yet. However, improving the system to maintain user trust is essential. If this problem is resolved, Mercari could become an even better app! But who knows when that day will come? It’s still a good app, but this issue definitely needs to be fixed.


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