星野誠 makoto hoshino

Boeing Starliner も成功!


最近の宇宙開発は目覚ましい。昨日新たにBoeingのCST-100 Starlinerも成功。

BoeingのCST-100 Starlinerは、NASAとBoeingが共同で開発した次世代の宇宙カプセル。最大7人の乗員を低軌道に運ぶことができ、再利用性も高く、最大10回のミッションに耐える設計。NASAの宇宙飛行士Butch Wilmore氏とSuni Williams氏が搭乗。

すでに有人飛行を成功させているスペースXのDragon。開発中のFalcon 9。中国は神舟宇宙船と天宮宇宙ステーション。インドは有人宇宙飛行プログラム「ガガニヤーン」を推進中。





Recent space exploration has been remarkable. Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner was another success yesterday.

Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner is a next-generation space capsule developed jointly by NASA and Boeing. It can carry up to seven crew members into low Earth orbit, is highly reusable, and is designed for up to 10 missions with NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams on board.

SpaceX’s Dragon, which has made one successful manned flight, Falcon 9, which is under development, and China’s Shenzhou spacecraft and Tiangong space station. India is promoting its Gaganiyan manned space programme.

Japan, on the other hand, has been prevented from developing its own manned spacecraft by Article 9 of its post-war constitution, which closely links space technology to the military.But I would like to see Japan develop its own space programme.

Space exploration has only just begun. There will be many more amazing developments in our generation’s lifetime.


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