星野誠 makoto hoshino









The first five minutes.
My five-year-old son and I will be presenting a piano joint in July. It’s only a month away and we haven’t had any practice.

A day is about 20 minutes out of 24 hours. I should have plenty of free time, but in reality the ‘mental burden’ of sitting at the piano prevents me from doing so.

So today I went to the piano to sit at the piano. So I started to play the piano for five minutes. The next thing I knew I had been playing for half an hour. Again I thought the first step was very difficult.

I took the first step in small steps and from now on I will do five minutes when I wake up in the morning. At the weekends, I want to get into the habit of practicing in five-minute increments, like five minutes after dinner. I can’t start anything new in my life if I struggle with even this little piano practice. Not good, not good. I have to manage myself better.


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