星野誠 makoto hoshino











Narrow-mindedness leads to unhappiness.

Tension narrows your vision, relaxation broadens it. When our vision widens, our thinking becomes more flexible.

People with high self-esteem live longer, people with low self-esteem die earlier. (Tips for not growing old).

I have heard many great stories from our clients today. Recently, due to the extreme depreciation of the yen, people say that Japan as a whole is an old country, but there are people who are enjoying their lives regardless.

There is no doubt that if you have a narrow perspective, you will be unhappy. You feel that your situation is stuck and that there is nothing you can do about it. You start to blame others for everything. When you start blaming others, your self-esteem goes down. Low self-esteem causes illness. 

But if I am not careful, I will inadvertently narrow my horizons. And I won’t even notice that my vision is narrowing. I have to be careful.


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