星野誠 makoto hoshino









Tomorrow I have the opportunity to speak for about an hour at my daughter’s junior high school on the subject of ‘Thinking about How to Live (to Create Your Own Future)’.

When I finished summarising what I had written and what I thought, I looked at Matsushita-san’s book again and found that he had already said everything I wanted to say in a concise way.

The president is the most anxious person in any company. Even at dinner I cannot eat because my chest is so full. The role of the boss is to fight more than anyone else. In other words, you have to pay the price. Even in sumo wrestling, the match lasts only 30 seconds. But you don’t know how much training goes on behind the scenes to win such a long match. People with worries have a purpose in life. Worry has a purpose in life. If everything was comfortable and smooth, life would have no purpose. So you have to create your own purpose in life. It is good to have individual worries. In fact, it would be lonely if there were no difficulties. If you cannot see this as the purpose of life, you cannot persevere. (Konosuke Matsushita)

Konosuke Matsushita’s words from the above quote, “Good times are good, of course, but bad times are good too”, are really great.


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