Double charges on credit cards. On rare occasions, when you travel abroad, your card will be blocked as part of fraud prevention measures. I appreciate the courtesy, but this is a problem. Every time I buy an airline ticket, my credit card is subject to fraud detection and I often have to contact the credit card company.
Recently, in India, my credit card was stopped three times for fraudulent activity. Each time I contacted the credit card company and asked them to reactivate the credit card, but it took 10 to 30 minutes before I could use the credit card. I didn’t have much time, so after about 10 minutes I tried several times, which resulted in double charges.
According to the credit card membership agreement, members are basically obliged to negotiate directly with the shop if the double charge is caused by the shop, so I first contacted the airline myself. However, it was not easy to get in touch with them, so at the same time I had to contact the credit card company with all the details. Anyway, it’s a lot of trouble. The other day there were some hotel charges that should have been cancelled during the free cancellation period but were not refunded, so I had to get all the details together and in the end it took about three months to get the money back.
These days credit cards, especially overseas ones, have a lot of errors if you don’t look at the details. But even with that, credit is very convenient.
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