星野誠 makoto hoshino

Osborne effect「新製品が出ることに期待して、消費者が買い控えること」


Osborne effect、新製品が出ることに期待して、消費者が買い控えること。


Osborne effectになり消費者が買い控えないように販売者側は以下を意識しろとグーグル先生は言っている。

  • 将来の製品を発表する時期を慎重に検討する。
  • 将来の製品を、現行製品よりも優れているか、または現行製品よりも早く使用可能になると宣伝しない。
  • 将来の製品を、現行製品よりも安価であると宣伝しない。
  • 将来の製品を、現行製品よりも入手しやすくすると宣伝しない。



Osborne Effect, ‘Consumers holding back on buying in anticipation of new products coming out

I love gadgets. Garmin watches, iPhones, Macs and all that. I’ve often been shocked by the announcement of the next new product just after I’ve bought it. I’m often frustrated that I wish I’d known about it earlier.

To avoid the Osborne Effect and prevent consumers from buying, Google says sellers should

Think carefully about when to launch future products.
Do not advertise future products as being better than current products, or as being available sooner than current products.
Do not advertise future products as cheaper than current products.
Do not promote future products as being more available than current products.

However, Amazon is customer-focused, so they are very polite when they are about to announce a new product. If a new product is clearly better, it is still kinder to customers to tell them.


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