星野誠 makoto hoshino








I continue to look at the Channel Crossing. The swimming ability of those who have done the Channel Crossing is impressive – they can swim 100m in 1:30 for 8 hours. And then they can swim easily 1:10 or so.

I now swim 5km on Monday and Friday mornings and about 40km a month. At my current pace of 1:30 for 100m, I can’t keep it up for long without taking a break. And at 1:10 I can’t even do an all-out. My all-out time is 1:15.

There are parts of the channel where there are currents and swells, and in those parts you have to swim at over 1:30, or 1:20 or 1:10 depending on where you are, or you will be swept away, so the swimming level is fundamentally different to begin with.

Hmmm… I don’t know what to do. Movie Rocky. Rocky Balboa never breaks, even when he loses. I’d like to somehow persevere with that spirit and make the Channel Crossing a reality.


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