星野誠 makoto hoshino

チャネルスイマー 節政健一さん







Channel swimmer Kenichi Setsumasa
I did some serious research into cross-channel swimming and discovered the blog of Kenichi Setsumasa, a swimmer who has completed the Tsugaru and Dover crossings.

With so little information available, this blog is really very informative! Kenichi Setsumasa had actually set out to swim Dover and back, which is even more amazing. Unfortunately he had to give up after swimming the last 6km of Molokai in 17 hours 49 minutes, but he is still a really great swimmer.

Incidentally, to qualify as a Channel swimmer, you must swim under your own power, wearing only a swimsuit, not a wetsuit.

According to Wikipedia, the success rate for solo cross-channel swims used to be around 10%, and although the success rate has increased due to data analysis and improved swimmer technique, it is still around 60%. This is probably a tougher challenge than it sounds if you are serious about it.


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