更年期障害? ホルモンバランス? 最近、頭がモヤモヤしてイライラする。脳神経外科の先輩にお聞きすると、深呼吸ということだったので、呼吸を気をつけていることにした。
Male menopause? Hormonal balance? Lately, I’ve been feeling fuzzy-headed and irritable. I asked a senior neurosurgeon about it and he recomend deep breathing, so I decided to pay attention to my breathing.
Now I’m looking for something else to calm me down. Alcohol sometimes eases my mood for a moment, but it eventually returns and is no good. Apparently, I find that watching sci-fi films and dramas relieves my stress. Right now, my favourite is Isaac Asimov’s Foundation on appleTV+.
I also listen to Jazz slowly at low volume with two Sony Glassglass Sound speakers at night in total darkness.
It’s something that relaxes me. It’s a small thing, but it’s important.