星野誠 makoto hoshino






ナイキ創業者のフィル・ナイト氏の書いたSHOE DOG( シュードッグ )。これ、まだ読んだことない人は、間違いなく、これを読んだ後のほうがさらに面白く見れるはず。



いい映画だった。フィル・ナイト氏の書いたSHOE DOG( シュードッグ )と並び、自分の新たなお気に入り決定だ。



Break the rules and your name stays.
Today I saw ‘AIR/air’, a film adaptation of the story of the birth of Nike’s legendary basketball shoe. Directed by Ben Affleck (Argo). Starring the best actor, Matt Damon.

It’s not easy to find in Tokyo, and even at my usual favourite Grand Cinema Sunshine in Ikebukuro, there was only one very small theatre.

So it was very interesting. But why are there so few cinemas showing it, even though it is distributed by Amazon Studios and Warner Brothers?

SHOE DOG, written by Nike founder Phil Knight. If you haven’t read it yet, you will definitely find it even more interesting to watch after reading it.

In the film, Phil Knight says

Break the rules and your name stays on it. Sign a contract. That’s how I started my business.

It was a good film. Along with SHOE DOG, written by Phil Knight, it is my new favourite choice.


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