星野誠 makoto hoshino

寝ている間に脳内の有害な老廃物を洗い流すglymphatic system。




なお、2012年ロチェスター大学の研究者ネーデルガード氏などが、人は深い眠りについている間に脳内の有害な老廃物を脳脊髄液で洗い流すglympathic systemを発見。つまり睡眠がないと、老廃物が蓄積してしまうという。




The glymphatic system flushes out toxic waste from the brain while sleeping.

When I was in Thailand and Vietnam last week, I slept an average of four hours. Then I felt tired weekend.

Then, when I returned to eight hours of sleep on Saturday and Sunday, my physical condition was restored at once. Jeff Besos also says that he always gets eight hours of sleep.I also need eight hours of sleep.

In 2012, University of Rochester researcher Nedelgaard and others discovered that while people are in deep sleep, the glympathic system flushes out harmful waste in the brain with cerebrospinal fluid. In other words, without sleep, waste accumulates, they say.

After all, for humans, sleep is undoubtedly the mainstay of all health. Wherever I go anywhere, I should strive to ensure that I get enough sleep.


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