星野誠 makoto hoshino

「静寂」にハマり、購入。ノイズキャンセル4機種。Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II 。Apple AirPods Pro(第2世代)。SONY WF-1000XM4。Google Pixel Buds Pro。


ノイズキャンセリング。JabraのものやAirPods pro第一世代など、長年、ノイズキャンセルを使っていたのだけれど、そこまで感動することはなかった。

それが、たまたま購入したソニーのワイヤレスヘッドホンSONY WH-1000XM4を使い、感動!これは、昔バックパックを楽しんでいたとき、モロッコの砂漠の夜、一人感動した静寂感。それから手軽にノイキャンになれるイヤホン版、当時ノイキャン最高とされていたSONY WF-1000XM4を購入。

特にヘッドホンSONY WH-1000XM4は、ちょっとした昼寝の時や、ちょっとリセットしたい時、これとアイマスクをつけたら、どこでも本当にリラックスできる。なので、ノイキャンは、音楽を聴くわけではなく、完全にノイキャンだけで使用、日々の生活の中で自分にとって必須のアイテムに。


現行でのノイキャン最高を歌う Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II 。そして前回より圧倒的にノイキャンを進化させたApple AirPods Pro(第2世代) そして、じつはかなりいいノイキャンのGoogle Pixel Buds Pro


ノイキャン強度比較 10段階中

1、Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II  9点

2、Apple AirPods Pro(第2世代)  8点

3、Google Pixel Buds Pro. 7.7点

4、SONY WH-1000XM4 7点


快適さ比較 10段階中

1、Apple AirPods Pro(第2世代) 9点

2、SONY WH-1000XM4     9点

3、Google Pixel Buds Pro     9点

4、Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II  7.5点






自分がノイキャンに求めるものは、日常からのリセット、快適さ&静寂さ なので、結論、今回のApple AirPods Pro(第2世代)がめちゃめちゃ良くなっていた。

実用ならAppleだけれど、BOSEは本当に独特で、圧倒的に強いノイキャン効いているので、パイロットなど騒音のある環境ならば、圧倒的にBOSE。ノイキャンと手軽さでいうなら、Googleも大変優秀。Google pixelを持っていれば相性が抜群。ノイキャンだけでなく、音質も良いものが良い、LDACなどの再生機種持っているならSONY。




Noise cancelling.

I had been using noise cancelling for many years, including Jabra’s and AirPods pro 1st generation, but I was never that impressed.

Then I happened to buy the Sony WH-1000XM4 wireless headphones and was impressed! This is the feeling of silence that impressed me alone on a night in the desert in Morocco . Then I bought the earphone version, the SONY WF-1000XM4.

Especially the headphones SONY WH-1000XM4, when I take a little nap, or when I want to reset a bit, I can really relax anywhere with this and an eye mask. So, Noise cancelling has become an essential item for me .

Then, last month, earphones with even more enhanced Noise cancelling were launched. Of course I bought them all.

The Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II, which sing the best of the current Noise cancelling, and the Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation), which have by far the most advancedNoise cancelling since the last time, and the Google Pixel Buds Pro, which are actually quite good Noise cancelling.

Neucan strength Out of 10.

1, Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II 9 points

2, Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation). 8 points

3, Google Pixel Buds Pro. 7.7 points

4, Sony WH-1000XM4 7 points

In terms of strength, this is the order, but in terms of naturalness and comfort, the following order is used

1, Apple AirPods Pro (2nd generation) 9 points

2, SONY WH-1000XM4 9 points

3, Google Pixel Buds Pro 9 points

4, Bose QuietComfort Earbuds II 7.5 points

Bose is certainly the pioneer of noise cancellation, having developed noise cancellation for military vehicles and pilots since 1978, and it worked incredibly well this time. However, it was so strong that I felt like I was locked in Locked in a closed, soundproof room.

Apple’s sound quality is overwhelmingly better, but it is natural. Google’s sound quality has also been criticised, but in terms of Neucan alone, it’s very good, just a little weaker than Apple’s. What I’m looking for in a Neucan system is a very good sound quality.

For practical use, Apple is the best, but BOSE is unique and has a very strong noise cancellation effect, so for noisy environments such as pilots, BOSE is by far the best, and for noise cancellation and ease of use, Google is also very good. If you want good sound quality, SONY is the way to go.

Anyway, once you experience the ‘silence’ of Noise cancelling, you’ll be hooked.




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