昨年、ソニーのa7s IIIとレンズも大変素晴らしいGレンズを奮発して購入。しかし、出番がまったくない。
一方、a7s IIIとレンズは、大変良いのだけれど、大きいし、重い。旅行などに行く時に持って行こうと思うと荷物が増える。ちょっとフラッと出かける時もiPhoneならポケットに入れていけばいいけれど、ミラーレスは少なからず気合をいれて持っていく必要がある。ということで、結局、この1年、外に持ち出すこともなく、ほぼ使わなかった。
そしてわかった。今や一眼は、デスクトップパソコンのようなものなのだ。持ち運ぶ前提ではなく、仕事場など、固定した場所で使うもの。実際、仕事用として店舗に常に据え置きしているa7s IIIは、人物撮影と、ライブ動画の撮影などと日々大活躍。
SLR cameras are like desktop computers. I have no occasion to take it outside at all.
Last year, I bought a Sony a7s III and a very nice G lens. However, I never get to use it.
The iPhone 13 pro’s default camera can take RAW images, which can be freely edited on the spot using the iPhone’s original photo app, and it can also take close-up shots. The blur processing in portrait mode is so advanced that it is almost like using a single-lens reflex camera.
Video stabilization works well even without stabilizers. It is also resistant to darkness.
It can be uploaded to the Internet quickly. It does all this and is small and light.
On the other hand, the a7s III and lens are very good, but they are large and heavy. If you want to take it with you when you go on a trip, you have to carry more luggage. When I go out on a short trip, I can just put my iPhone in my pocket, but with a mirrorless camera, I have to take it with me with a lot of energy. So, in the end, I did not take it outside and did not use it much last year.
And then I realized. Now a single-lens reflex camera is like a desktop computer. They are not meant to be carried around, but to be used in a fixed place, such as at work.In fact, the a7s III, which I always keep in my store for work use, is very active every day, shooting portraits and live video.
Although I am always interested in SLR cameras when a new model is released, However, from now on, we have to think of SLRs as something completely different.
The camera you take outside is a smartphone. The stationary camera is a single-lens reflex camera.In the future, when purchasing a new SLR, buy it on the assumption that it will be stationary, like a desktop computer.
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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