新1万円札に描かれている渋沢栄一氏は、かつて 「お金は努力の残滓である 」と言った。試行錯誤を繰り返しながら努力を続けていれば、おのずとお金はついてくる。ビジネスの目的は富を築くことではなく、自分のビジョンを実現すること。それこそが真の目的。そういうことを言っているのだろう。
“Money is the Residue of Hard Work”
Shibusawa Eiichi, featured on the new 10,000 yen bill, once said, “Money is the residue of hard work.” As you continue to work hard and navigate through trial and error, money will naturally follow. The goal of business is not to accumulate wealth but to realize one’s vision. That’s the true purpose.
Charles Darwin also stated:
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change.”
When you aim to create something new instead of following in others’ footsteps, no matter how cautious or deliberate you are, things rarely go smoothly. In fact, it’s almost certain that you’ll need to adjust your course multiple times. It’s hard to imagine a plan going exactly as intended. That’s why “adaptability to change” and “perseverance” are essential. The key to success lies in how you respond to failures and unexpected challenges, and how long you can keep going.
Rather than making money the goal, continue to adapt and take on new challenges. That, surely, is the path to long-term survival.
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*“Yesterday, I Went to Mars ♡”*
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