星野誠 makoto hoshino








A watch can tell you how you are feeling all day long.
The mood ring, developed in 1975 and briefly popular in the 1990s, changes colour according to one’s emotions. In reality, it was a thermotropic liquid crystal embedded in a ring, which is now used in various applications such as liquid crystal displays, and changed colour according to temperature rather than according to emotion.

It wasn’t something that could tell me my actual mood, but now I can tell almost everything about my mood with a wearable watch. I use a Garmin, but when I’m not feeling well, my breathing is shallow, my body battery is running low quickly, I sleep less hours per week and my sleep quality is shallow.

Companies that have this kind of data will definitely become stronger in the future, so Apple is also putting a lot of effort into wearable devices. I think that in the future, all the data of our lives will be collected.


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