自分は44歳。「40歳の壁」をスルッと越える人生戦略 という本が紹介されていたので、読んでみた。
Sabbatical time ‘unallocated leave’
I am 44 years old. I read a book titled Life Strategies for Surpassing the 40 Year Old Wall.
In the book, there are
You should not work to “earn” money for books, but think about work that allows you to “expense” the cost of books.
I became an optician because I spend the most money on things was glasses. Traveling alone I love most in life. SO I should think about being able to make travelling alone my job.
The author also mentioned the importance of Sabbatical time “unrestricted holidays”, which are definitely good for a family of six, as I can never have an “unrestricted holiday” at home, and this is definitely a good time to take a holiday abroad, away from the real world.
The author also says that you don’t need “everyone’s right answer” in the second half of your life. I was overly caught up in ‘everyone’s right answer’ until my 20s, and in reaction to that, from my 30s I started living without thinking about ‘everyone’s right answer’, and thankfully my life is now revolving around it, but I should still take sabbaticals regularly to reset myself at all times.